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eastlondon6 6:02 Mon Feb 2
Sticky old predicament.
as you all know - WBA on valentines day.

original plan was flog the mrs off she has all bloody year for shagging dont know whats so special about that night.

but shes giving me earache about it so what if i went on the all dayer to wba and then out with her? would she remember lips are for kissing or would she tell me to do one turning up bolted?

anyone else in this situation??

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

After8 8:08 Tue Feb 3
Re: Sticky old predicament.
Nice to see jack Whu, sammyWhu and allardycefan1 back!

Spandex Sidney 1:24 Tue Feb 3
Re: Sticky old predicament.
You can't watch too much Family Guy, east

Billy Blagg 1:05 Tue Feb 3
Re: Sticky old predicament.
The St Valentines Day massacre. 14th February 1990. Mrs wouldn't speak to me because I went to the cup semi-final against Oldham. It pissed with rain all day. Had an eye problem that meant I couldn't wear my lenses so had to wear an old pair of glasses that cut my ear and nose to ribbons. This matched the cut on my forehead from being struck by a thrown full can of beer (still got the scar to this day) on the way down. Bled like a pig for 3 hours. Stood in the wet and cold half-frozen at the uncovered end as the rain and blood washed in my eyes. Lost 6-0, By the following Valentines Day the marriage was over.

...West Brom? Yea, just GO....

Jim C 9:21 Mon Feb 2
Re: Sticky old predicament.
I think Valentines Day is a load of shit like I guess many of you do. Why do you need one day to show you care about someone?

My wife loves it though so the 12.45 kick off has helped me out majorly, get to the game, head back, a few beers in the pub then home in time to go out for dinner.

Fivetide 6:50 Mon Feb 2
Re: Sticky old predicament.
Go out on another day around the same time, rather than the exact day Hallmark told you to remember to like your wife?

eastlondon6 6:44 Mon Feb 2
Re: Sticky old predicament.
Sidney I think you've been watching too much Family Guy pal.

Grumpster 6:38 Mon Feb 2
Re: Sticky old predicament.
Valentines day really is a load of American tosh.

How about instead of being told when to treat your missus nice, you just treat her well for the other 364 days of the year so that this day doesn't even register with her?

Obviously I don't treat the woman well for most of the year, but I'm a man's man and don't need to be told what to do, as I'm not particularly bothered when she's pissed off.

Never even bought a card.

Spandex Sidney 6:36 Mon Feb 2
Re: Sticky old predicament.
Mine was serious. I know a huge black geezer called Rod van Hugendong who regularly roars up other people's missus

Bungo 6:35 Mon Feb 2
Re: Sticky old predicament.
You were expecting serious answers? You do know this is WHO right?

eastlondon6 6:24 Mon Feb 2
Re: Sticky old predicament.
are they no's to the idea of both?

was expecting serious answers but never mind guys

solidbond 6:21 Mon Feb 2
Re: Sticky old predicament.
ah a stickey situation ,i haven't been in a stickey situation since stickey the stick insect got stuck on a stickey bun

ATBOG 6:19 Mon Feb 2
Re: Sticky old predicament.
link to Mrs and i'll give you an answer.

ooooh Morley Morley 6:17 Mon Feb 2
Re: Sticky old predicament.

Spandex Sidney 6:08 Mon Feb 2
Re: Sticky old predicament.
Book a couple of the days in the Belfry or somewhere nice, go to the game and get some massive black geezer to come in and repeatedly service her while you're watching the game.

I'm sure she'd be happy with that?

MrCrowmanSir 6:07 Mon Feb 2
Re: Sticky old predicament.
Thought it was only soppy under the thumb cunts who bothered about that nonsense.

motley crue 6:07 Mon Feb 2
Re: Sticky old predicament.
This is no problem.
We'll be kicked out the competition by Thursday.

claret on my shirt 6:05 Mon Feb 2
Re: Sticky old predicament.

riosleftsock 6:04 Mon Feb 2
Re: Sticky old predicament.
Go to the game and bring her back some fag, rib and good stuff.

defjam 6:04 Mon Feb 2
Re: Sticky old predicament.

Tony_Gale 6:03 Mon Feb 2
Re: Sticky old predicament.

Council Scum 6:02 Mon Feb 2
Re: Sticky old predicament.

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